Bram Stoker Portrait Unveiling

Painted for the Hist by Mick O’Dea as part of a portrait collection of past members, commissioned by the Society during the 250th Anniversary celebration, the portrait of Bram Stoker was unveiled by his grand-nephew Dacre Stoker during the 253rd Session. Dacre gave an address, ‘Bram Stoker is more then Dracula’, exploring the depth of the legendary writer and former Auditor’s life, introduced by Professor Jarlath Killeen, head of Trinity’s School of English and friend of Dacre.

Following Dacre’s address and the unveiling of the portrait, current and former members of the Hist proceeded to the 1592 room in the Dining Hall for the Inaugural Dinner of the Hist Club, with addresses by Hist President, Prof. David McConnell, Vice-President, The Hon. Ms. Justice Iseult O’Malley, and Auditor of the 253rd Session, Sébastien Dunne Fulmer.